I have been interested in our earth and its healing treasures for as long as I can remember.  I have always found nature a sanctuary and an inspiration.

 I began using essential oils as a teenager and continue to enjoy them 30 years later.  Aromas enhance positive experiences of life and can be used to prevent more serious health conditions taking hold.  

Several times I have heard new parents say "I don't know how to help my poorly child"  I have found there is a way to actively help your child if they are under the weather.  Any parent can feel empowered to help their child with a basic understanding of essential oils and reflexology.  This can easily be in complement to medical advice.  For conditions like coughs, colds, head lice, spots, wounds, aromatherapy and reflexology can help treat conditions and speed up recovery.

Ideologically, I seek a fair way through, and always endeavour to make the world a better place for all.  I try to be led by the four testimonies and guiding principles of of life - Environmental sustainability, peace, simplicity and the search for truths.  The truth refers to what is found through inner reflection, that of god/the goddess within us all.  I have had a life long connection to the sacred in nature and honour the celtic cycle of the year as a way of following life and its transformations with friends in a sacred way.

I have had formative experiences in Uganda whilst living there for one year and spending some time studying medicinal plants, after completing my social anthropology degree.  This in part inspired me to complete my masters in Medical anthropology where I learnt about cross cultural approaches to healing.  I took a particular interest in healing rituals, ceremonies where groups of people gather together to affect positive change.  I currently organise such all age worships  for the Friends Meeting House in Jesus Lane, as well as celebrating the celtic cycle with a much smaller group of women.



Therapeutic Support: I am a qualified aromatherapist, masseuse, (since 1997) reflexologist and reiki master and believe in the healing power of positive gentle touch.  I communicate through words and touch and aim to help harness and support a person's own healing powers to aid recovery.  I have specialist qualifications to help women in pregnancy and many years experience helping older clients during their final years.    

Teaching: I enjoy stimulating thought and passing on knowledge in a fun accessible and interesting fashion.  I run small introductory courses in aromatherapy and regular well being classes.  I am currently running weekly golden time activities in conservation for juniors on Friday afternoons.  Once a month I facilitate a Quaker Sunday children's sessions covering emotional, social and environmental education and I have put on 3 plays with the children there.  In the past I have taught Aromatherapy and massage to upper juniors and Lower 6th formers in a girls school, as well as twice weekly adult education classes in the same subjects.  I have run several didgeridoo workshops at festivals and within schools.

Parenting: I have been a full time mother for the last 17 years bringing up three children with my husband Dan.  This has given me invaluable experience and opportunities for learning.  To deepen our understanding of parenting, my husband and I have attended two parenting courses, 123 magic and The Way of the child, a child led approach to spiritual education that follows the Montessori philosophy.  I regularly use reflexology and aromatherapy on my children to help them sleep and to support them when they show the first signs of ill health.  They now return this gift with short treatments given to me!

Creative: I enjoy teaching things through the senses and with natural mediums.  I have made 3 giant bird puppets from reused materials.  One was painted using henna and tumeric and completed during a festival with the help of a group of children and adults.  My peace dove has flown at many peace and community events, my tawny owl and yellow hammer have been used for puppet shows, harvest festivals and concerts.  I have an interest in dried flower pressing and nature art in general and enjoy taking photographs of patterns within nature. I play the didgeridoo which is has been described as one of the sounds of the deep earth.


1997- present day:   Self employed complementary therapist offering treatments to a range of clients.  Currently employed by two care homes for the elderly running group “Relax and Discover” sessions, and offering regular one to one sessions for those bed bound and in their last days.  I have worked with clients supporting those with mental health concerns, those with sports injuries and recovering from surgery, physically disabled clients and those with terminal illnesses.  I value the opportunity to ignite my clients own healing powers and with the beloved support of Great Spirit of all that is, to work together to improve peoples whole sense of wellness.  I also offer a range of bespoke essential oil blends to support and nurture.

2015-2018: running several Nature Explorer lunchtime and after school nature clubs for year 1-7 at Mayfield primary school. 

April 2010 – 2015: Voluntary Organiser and teacher of the weekly Mayfield golden time conservation club when a group of 6-11 year olds become 'nature explorers'. 

2008-present day: Convenor of Children’s Committee, Friends Meeting House – this includes running a monthly session for ages 6- 12 year olds and organising bi-annual all age worships. These are spiritual meetings where adults and children participate in a reflective practice such as writing haikus or cinquains on card and hanging them of a few branches placed int he centre of the room.

2003-2009: Antenatal yoga teacher for Birthlight – Taught weekly classes in yoga, massage, aromatherapy, meditation and birth preparation.  

August 2009: Artist: Commissioned to make two giant bird puppets, one of which ran as a workshop for attendees at Dance Camp East, a festival.  This led on from making a peace dove for a peace parade in 2007 and a phoenix for the healing field in Glastonbury Festival.  I have also made a tawny owl and a yellowhammer harvest bird.  The later was made as part of a workshop in a festival with children and adult participants.

2002-present day: Secretary of the residents association. Co-ordinated bi-annual street parties for the Darwin Erasmus Akeman Residents Association, (which my husband and I set up in 2001). Managed the street party team of 4, set up the meetings, wrote up minutes, secured funding and helped coordinate a team of volunteer helpers on the day.  Organised bulb planting in the planters around trees in our area.  Coordinated the planting of 100 saplings a gift from the woodland trust to plant a hedge in part in memory of the jubillee.  I currently run a community cook exchange project facilitating the sharing of recipes between our multicultural community.

1995 – 1997: Administrator and conference organiser assistant: The Wound healing clinic, Churchill Hospital, Oxford, and for the GOFTS of Health: Global Initiative for Traditional Systems of health, as well as helping organise an environmental education and awareness raising campaign for the “Earth Love Fund”in Oxford.

My Year off

Co-ordinator of a Geographical expedition to SW Uganda in which four of us studied how people use their plant resources.  I secured funding for this project from the Geographical Society.


4 year creuynni shamanic helaing practices course. 2020-2024

Certificate in Story Massage 2014

Participant on the Forest school conference, Grafham Water, 2014

Master reiki Certificate, Cambridge - November 2013

Certificate in Reflexology for Pregnancy, The London School of Reflexology: 2010

Diploma in Antenatal Yoga, Birthlight, Cambridge: 2005

Certificate in Massage and Aromatherapy for Pregnancy, TIHMA: 2002

MA Medical Anthropology, SOAS: 1999

ITEC Diploma in Aromatherapy, Massage and Reflexology, Oxford College of further Education: 1996

BSoc Sci Social Anthropology, Manchester University: 1989-1992 Grade 2.1 and a 1st class for my dissertation.  Subsidiary subjects in Geography and religious studies.

A Levels in Geography grade A, Philosophy and Ethics of Religion, Grade B, Biology Grade C

9 GCSES and 1 O Level 7 grade A's and 2 grade B's.